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Alem da Materia: Um livro de Robson Pinheiro que explora a ciência e a espiritualidade (PDF)

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Alem da Materia: A Bridge Between Science and Spirituality by Robson Pinheiro and Joseph Gleber

Have you ever wondered about the connection between your body, mind, and soul? Have you ever wanted to learn more about your energy centers, your spiritual bodies, and your psychic abilities? Have you ever been curious about how science and spirituality can complement each other? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in reading Alem da Materia (Beyond Matter), a book written by Robson Pinheiro and Joseph Gleber.


Alem da Materia is a book that combines the knowledge of spiritism, a doctrine based on the teachings of Allan Kardec, with the insights of contemporary science. It is a treatise on the influence of energetic states on your well-being, that will help you understand more about your own health. It is also a source of self-knowledge and reflection, food for restless minds and souls in search of peace.

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The book is written by Robson Pinheiro, a Brazilian medium, whose major works deal with stories of spirits and aspects of Umbanda, an Afro-Brazilian religion. He channels Joseph Gleber, a German physicist and doctor who lived in Germany and Austria in the first half of the 20th century. Joseph Gleber was a witness and a victim of the Nazi regime, as well as a pioneer in nuclear research. He died in 1942, but continued his work as a spirit, helping people through healing and materialization sessions.

Why should you read this book? Because it will offer you a different perspective on yourself and your reality. Because it will challenge you to question your beliefs and assumptions. Because it will inspire you to seek more harmony and balance in your life. Because it will show you that science and spirituality are not incompatible, but rather complementary ways of understanding the universe.

Summary of the book

The life and work of Joseph Gleber

The first part of Alem da Materia introduces Joseph Gleber, his life story, his achievements, his struggles, his death, and his afterlife. Joseph Gleber was born in Germany in 1899, in a Jewish family. He graduated in physics in Germany, where he also met Albert Einstein. He specialized in Vienna, where he lived for years and married. He also studied medicine in Vienna, becoming a doctor.

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He returned to Berlin, where he faced the tensions of the interwar period and witnessed the rise of Hitler. He taught physics at the Technical University of Berlin, where he became a leader in the field of nuclear physics. He was involved in the development of the first nuclear reactor in Germany, but he was also secretly working with the resistance movement against the Nazis. He was arrested and tortured by the Gestapo, but he managed to escape and flee to Switzerland. He died in a plane crash in 1942, while trying to reach the United States. After his death, Joseph Gleber continued his research as a spirit, working with other scientists and mediums in different countries. He also became interested in spiritism, a doctrine that teaches the existence and communication of spirits, as well as the principles of reincarnation, karma, and moral evolution. He learned about the chakras, the subtle bodies, and the energetic phenomena that affect the health and well-being of humans. He decided to share his knowledge with Robson Pinheiro, a Brazilian medium who had a strong affinity with him. Together, they wrote Alem da Materia, a book that bridges the gap between science and spirituality. The main topics of the book

The second part of Alem da Materia covers the main topics of the book, which are divided into five chapters. Each chapter explores a different aspect of the energetic anatomy and physiology of humans, as well as their implications for health and disease. The chapters are:

  • The chakras and their physiological and psychological aspects: This chapter explains what are the chakras, how they are related to the endocrine glands and the nervous system, and how they influence the emotions, thoughts, and behaviors of humans. It also describes the characteristics and functions of each of the seven main chakras, from the root chakra to the crown chakra.

  • The mental body and the seven spiritual bodies: This chapter describes what is the mental body, how it is composed of different layers of consciousness, and how it interacts with the physical body. It also introduces the concept of the seven spiritual bodies, which are subtle vehicles that allow the spirit to manifest in different dimensions of existence. It explains how these bodies are connected by cords of energy, and how they can be affected by external influences.

  • The silver and gold cords, the links between the physical, psychosomatic and mental bodies: This chapter focuses on two important cords of energy that link the physical body with the psychosomatic body (the astral or emotional body) and the mental body. It explains what are the silver cord and the gold cord, how they are formed, where they are located, and what are their functions. It also discusses how these cords can be damaged or severed by trauma, illness, or death.

  • The artificial elementals and energetic parasites, the thought and fluidic contaminations: This chapter deals with some of the negative energetic phenomena that can affect humans, such as artificial elementals and energetic parasites. It defines what are artificial elementals, how they are created by thoughts and emotions, and how they can influence humans for good or evil. It also defines what are energetic parasites, how they are attracted by low vibrations, and how they can feed on human energy. It also explains what are thought and fluidic contaminations, how they can impair human health and well-being, and how they can be prevented or cured.

  • The union of spiritist knowledge and contemporary science: This chapter summarizes the main message of Alem da Materia, which is that spiritism and science are not opposed but complementary ways of understanding reality. It shows how spiritism can offer a holistic view of human nature that encompasses both material and spiritual aspects. It also shows how science can offer empirical evidence and rational explanations for some of the phenomena described by spiritism. It argues that both spiritism and science can benefit from each other's contributions, and that both can help humans achieve integral health.

Review of the book

The third part of Alem da Materia offers a critical review of the book, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. The review is based on the opinions of the author of this article, as well as some of the comments and ratings from other readers who have read the book. The review is divided into two sections:

The strengths of the book

One of the main strengths of Alem da Materia is the scientific rigor and the spiritist wisdom of Joseph Gleber, who combines his extensive knowledge of physics, medicine, and spiritism to offer a comprehensive and coherent view of human nature and reality. He presents his arguments with clarity and logic, using examples and analogies to illustrate his points. He also shows humility and openness, acknowledging his limitations and inviting the readers to verify his claims for themselves.

Another strength of the book is the clear and accessible language of Robson Pinheiro, who acts as a translator and a mediator between Joseph Gleber and the readers. He uses a conversational style, as if he were talking to a friend, making the book easy to read and understand. He also adds some humor and personal anecdotes, making the book more enjoyable and relatable. He also shows respect and gratitude for Joseph Gleber, as well as for the readers, creating a bond of trust and empathy.

A third strength of the book is the practical and useful information that it provides for the readers' well-being. The book offers many tips and exercises on how to improve one's health, balance one's energy, develop one's psychic abilities, protect oneself from negative influences, and achieve more harmony and peace in one's life. The book also encourages the readers to seek more knowledge and spiritual growth, as well as to help others in need.

The weaknesses of the book

One of the main weaknesses of Alem da Materia is the lack of references and sources for some of the claims that Joseph Gleber makes. For example, he mentions some experiments and studies that support his views, but he does not provide any details or citations for them. He also makes some statements that seem to contradict or challenge some of the established scientific theories or facts, but he does not explain or justify them. This can make some readers skeptical or confused about his credibility or accuracy.

Another weakness of the book is the possible bias and dogmatism of some of Joseph Gleber's views. For example, he seems to favor spiritism over other religions or spiritual paths, implying that it is superior or more complete than them. He also seems to dismiss or criticize some aspects of modern society or culture, such as materialism, consumerism, or technology, without acknowledging their positive or beneficial aspects. He also seems to have a rigid or fixed view of reality, without considering other perspectives or possibilities.

A third weakness of the book is the need for more examples and illustrations for some of the concepts that Joseph Gleber introduces. For example, he explains what are artificial elementals and energetic parasites, but he does not provide any concrete examples or images of them. He also describes what are the chakras and their functions, but he does not show any diagrams or charts that could help the readers visualize them better. He also uses some technical terms or jargon that could be unfamiliar or confusing for some readers.


In conclusion, Alem da Materia is a book that offers a unique and fascinating perspective on human nature and reality, combining spiritism and science in a harmonious way. It is a book that will challenge your mind, enrich your soul, and improve your health. It is a book that will make you think, feel, and act differently.

If you are interested in reading this book, you can find it online in PDF format for free download at this link: [text]. You can also buy it in paperback or Kindle edition at this link: [text]. You can also watch some videos where Robson Pinheiro talks about Joseph Gleber and Alem da Materia at this link: [text].

Whether you read it or not, I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new from it. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this topic. What do you think about spiritism and science? Do you agree or disagree with Joseph Gleber's views? Have you experienced any energetic phenomena in your life? Feel free to share your comments below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is spiritism?

  • Spiritism is a doctrine based on the teachings of Allan Kardec, a French educator who codified the messages of spirits through mediums in the 19th century. Spiritism teaches that there is a spiritual world beyond the material world, that spirits are immortal beings who can communicate with humans, that spirits reincarnate in different bodies and planets to evolve morally and intellectually, and that the moral law is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  • What is science?

  • Science is a systematic and empirical way of acquiring knowledge about the natural and physical phenomena of the universe. Science uses observation, experimentation, measurement, and analysis to test hypotheses and theories that explain or predict the behavior of nature. Science also uses logic, mathematics, and language to communicate and verify its findings and methods.

  • How can spiritism and science be compatible?

  • Spiritism and science can be compatible if they are seen as complementary rather than contradictory ways of understanding reality. Spiritism can offer a broader and deeper view of human nature and destiny, as well as a moral and ethical guidance for human actions. Science can offer a more precise and objective view of the material and physical aspects of reality, as well as a practical and technological means for human progress. Both spiritism and science can benefit from each other's contributions, as long as they respect each other's limits and scopes.

  • What are some of the benefits of reading Alem da Materia?

  • Some of the benefits of reading Alem da Materia are: learning more about your own body, mind, and soul; understanding more about the energetic phenomena that affect your health and well-being; developing more awareness and control over your thoughts and emotions; enhancing your psychic abilities and intuition; protecting yourself from negative influences and contaminations; achieving more harmony and balance in your life; seeking more knowledge and spiritual growth; helping others in need.

  • Who are Robson Pinheiro and Joseph Gleber?

  • Robson Pinheiro is a Brazilian medium, writer, speaker, and therapist who has published several books on spiritism, Umbanda, and spirituality. He channels Joseph Gleber, a German physicist and doctor who lived in Germany and Austria in the first half of the 20th century. He was a pioneer in nuclear research and a victim of the Nazi regime. He died in 1942, but continued his work as a spirit, helping people through healing and materialization sessions. Together, they wrote Alem da Materia, a book that bridges the gap between science and spirituality.



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